Monday, August 2, 2010

Sneak a Quick Look at Season 14: South Park
Easily the most anticipated Season 14, South Park, the hit American animated TV series began airing on March 17, 2010 in the US. A lot of drama unfolds as the season features the return of icons who were some of the victims of lampooning in the show. There is everybody’s favorite, Tom Cruise filing a class action suit against the boys for their humiliation.
Here’s a synopsis of some of the finest episodes of Season 14.

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Episode 1: Sexual Healing
The spoof on the most-talked about man of the year, Tiger Woods was really too funny for words. The new edition of the Tiger Woods PGA Tour series of video games sets off a full-fledged fracas that Tiger Woods had with his wife, post his extramarital affairs flashed in the media.  The game, nevertheless, resembles a fighting game more than a golf simulation. Cartman, Stan, and Kenny swear by the game day and night. In the meantime, a scientific testing reveals that sex addiction is a disease reaching epidemic proportions. To make a start to diagnose the problem, they decide to screen schoolchildren for the disease, and Kenny, Kyle, and Butters come to be diagnosed as sex addicts. Kenny is killed after attempting autoerotic asphyxiation, while Kyle and Butters are sent to attend a therapy session for sex addicts consisting of Michael Douglas, Michael Jordan, Ben Roethlisberger, David Duchovny, Charlie Sheen, David Letterman, Bill Clinton, Billy Bob Thornton, Kobe Bryant, Elliot Spitzer, and Tiger Woods. 

Episode 2: The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs

The students at South Park  (2010-03-24)Elementary are excited to read the controversially famous book, The Catcher in the Rye. However nothing seemed so offensive enough in the book to award it a ban, according to Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny, so they hated reading the banned novel. However, it inspires them to come up with their own novel entitled The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs, with the intention of making it the most profane and controversial book ever. And when Stan’s mom finds it out, out of fear of punishment they convince Butters that he wrote it. It gets published to become extremely popular. However, it is impossible to read past the first paragraph without vomiting. The other boys, dismayed at Butters's success with their book, mount a campaign to get it banned.  

Episode 3: Medicinal Fried Chicken           

A state law in Colorado rules to prohibit all fast-food restaurants including KFC eateries in Colorado, much to cause upset Cartman, who is a fried chicken addict. At the same time, Randy wants to smoke some weed and sets out to buy some, but to his dismay will be turned away by the physician who cites his medical reports as absolutely fine. Randy decides to do anything to get his beloved cannabis to the extent of inflicting cancer up on himself by placing his testicles into a microwave oven. He achieves success and wakes up to a grotesquely enlarged testicle that can be carried only by a wheelbarrow while commuting. 
Randy convinces his friends that women find larger testicles attractive, and they eventually give themselves testicular cancer as well. The local doctor, unaware of the men's self-irradiation, becomes convinced a recent change in South Park is responsible for the cancer outbreak. 

Episode 5: 200

The controversy child and hilariously annoying South Park happily turns 200 on April 14th episode under the eponymous title “200.”

While on a school study trip to a fudge factory, Stan yet again offends (unintentionally this time) Tom Cruise by naming him a "fudge packer". Cruise then calls up for solidarity to 200 other celebrities to initiate a lawsuit against the South Park town who allegedly offended him. After being called to the principal's office, Stan returns to the factory with his dad try to apologize and convince Cruise to drop the suit. An angry Cruise agrees to do so, only if they can help Cruise meet Muhammad. This causes upheaval, as the town people fear that forcing Muhammed to appear in public will drive Muslim fundamentalist to bomb the town. As Stan and Kyle go to the Super Best Friends for a bail out, it is revealed that Cruise and the other celebrities only want Muhammad for his "goo", which will make them immune to ridicule.  

Click here to watch your favorite South Park TV show online in high quality format.

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